Friday, August 27, 2010

Something's missing...

Good evening, faithful readers. As promised, another post before I've even boarded the plane to Heathrow. I come to you with sad news. One of my organs (non-essential, I promise), is missing.

After an emergency appendectomy Monday night, I am now running around town (and by running, I mean old-lady hobbling) without an appendix. Now, how does this relate to me studying abroad? (As this blog needs to maintain focus despite the child-sized attention span of it's author). Well, for one thing, I now have a wheelchair scheduled to take me through JFK before my flight because I'm not supposed to walk too much or lift things heavier than a gallon of milk. I know it sounds extremely high maintenance (and also, kind of awesome), but my mother is insisting and I have actually heard that it's the shit because you don't have to wait on any lines.

In addition to me cruising in style through the airport, now I have not only not started packing, but I have officially lost the physical ability to pack at all. I mean, in all honesty, I'm pretty scrappy and I probably could manage to throw some shit in a suitcase. Unfortunately, my compulsive nature prohibits me from not folding every little thing, and I just don't have the energy post-surgery to deal with my own OCD.

So, shout out time: Booked my hostel in Berlin for Oktoberfest with my bestie/long-term girlfriend Camille (AKA meels, Camillionaire, Arab, etc) and looking forward to planning a trip to Italy to meet her and Alyssia (AKA the one that thinks I like her less <3) in mid-September. Getting excited, less than a week to go!


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Eggs and...Ham

So my mom walked in yesterday and asked me if I wanted to start packing. I looked around at all the boxes still unpacked from my summer in the district and wanted to scream. The clutter in my room right now is giving me ageda...

I just have to keep in mind that in two weeks I'll be boarding a plane at JFK (or, drinking illegally and excessively in the airport anticipating my flight), and all the packing and stress will be behind me. For now, I'm just busy spending time with everyone I don't want to say goodbye to, and eating bacon while I still have the chance. (I'm worried they don't have it there. I went to London once...every time I asked for bacon they gave me ham. It's a legitimate concern.)

Alas, this London blog post does have a purpose, despite the fact that I am not yet in London. It is a favor I ask of my tens of readers: for those of you who are also studying abroad this semester, have studied abroad, lived abroad or simply been to Europe, please comment on my posts and let me know all the places I should visit. Of course there are the obvious basics, like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Coliseum in Rome, but if you know of any amazing sights, awesome shopping places or secret, local back-alley bakeries, let me know!

So, my next post should be made from London. But, odds are I will get bored sometime between now and then and ramble on for a couple of pages about how I'm worried I'll want to steal all the children there that have adorable accents or, of course, that I might run out of bacon.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

The countdown begins...

I can't help but think that blogs are a little pretentious. So why do it? I mean, I like the idea of it: documenting my stories and experiences abroad on a forum where my friends and family can read about them and know that I'm learning and having fun. Also, all the cool kids are doing it.

I am a mere three and a half weeks away from leaving America, home of the Yankees, Dane Cook, and childhood obesity. On September 1st, at 7pm, I will be boarding a plane headed to Heathrow airport. I will arrive on September 2nd, at 7am (gotta love that time change) and begin my semester abroad in London. Currently, in an effort to prepare for the tiring journey there, I am practicing my Sudoku skills and stocking up on sleeping pills.(Insane fear of flying much?)

I'll be in London for almost 4 months, during which time I'll be taking classes, doing an internship, traveling, and trying my best to pick up sexy British men. I hope you all enjoy my stories, I'll try to keep it entertaining (but not necessarily PG). I'll miss you all very much.
