Tuesday, December 21, 2010

This would NEVER happen in Canada

I hope you all planned on sticking with me through thick and thin because it's looking like there are going to be a couple more blog posts made from London.  That's right, concerned citizens, my flight was canceled on Sunday due to inclimate weather (HA HA HA) and I have a shaky reservation for a 5pm flight on Thursday.  I refer to this reservation as shaky because the amount of flights that have actually been leaving heathrow is deplorable.  Tomorrow, 2/3 of flights are already canceled.  It hasn't snowed in FOUR days.  This is absolutely ridiculous.

There was a Canadian guy that was interviewed yesterday outside heathrow talking about all of the people living there, saying that there was basically one person out on the runways using inefficient equipment so no wonder no one is going anywhere.  They should have EVERYONE in London, including the people living at the airport, outside clearing the runway with more than just a FisherPrice plastic beach shovel.  I am literally never going to make it back to the United States.  A representative from Heathrow actually said that currently, they're handling flights on an "is it really necessary that you fly?" basis.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

There are over 1000 people living in the airport.  There's about 3 inches of snow.  Something here does not add up.  Cierra has just informed me that starting tomorrow, she's moving there as well in hopes of getting out.  Her next scheduled flight is Christmas.

On the bright side, we have managed to get some people out and home safe.  Emily, after having TWO flights canceled, is now in the air above me as we speak.  Joe, Jill, Monica and Paul are all home in the US sleeping in their own beds. 

And how has it been in the house? We're running a refugee camp.  Several people without homes have moved in, including Alyssia and Michelle (Joe's girlfriend) and my friend Sam is here all the time.  We're managing to keep the place clean for once, but NOT noise free, as I was woken up at 9am this morning by a JACKHAMMER doing construction up against the wall in my bedroom that I share with the building next door.  This caused me to sleep until 3pm on and off and finally wake up with the most miserable headache. 

The good news is as follows:  I have the BEST friends who are all being super supportive on facebook and skype these past fews days, making me smile and changing their profile pictures to ones of me and them in my memory as though I have died (which I probably will, here.)  My parents have been amazing at handling the situation and trying to get me out of here, and my brother is making me laugh as always via facebook chat so at least I smile once a day.  Also, the people that are left in this house have bonded intensly over the past few days due to our shared situations.  Matt keeps everyones mind off of the flights by blasting 90's music and insisting we do nothing but jam out for HOURS (which we did, last night, approx. 8pm-11pm...some hits featured aaron carter, old school britney, sublime, and michelle branch-"good branch").  Miriam, Cierra, Alyssia, Michelle, Sam and Ruth have been ROCKS.  I honestly don't know what I would be doing right now without everyone. 

So for now I'm trying to fill my days with productiveness but obviously that's not going as well as planned since I SUCK at productivity. I did do laundry last night, which is intense since I planned it so I would have JUST enough clothes to get home on Sunday.  I have officially unpacked ONE of my two suitcases and feel a little like I have admitted defeat.  I will attempt to keep you all in the loop over the next couple of days.

Cheers! (only, not really)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Heathrow Airport is the MOST dramatic

Good evening lovelies, greetings from across the pond.  I know it's been a while since my last entry, and this is mostly due to the fact that there has been little to report.  Between my last post and this one, I have basically just been writing papers and working, preparing to end the stress of school with a bang and today was supposed to be spent packing.  Let me explain what ACTUALLY happened.

Last night, I went to Emily and Alyssia's with Mimi and Cierra to drink and hangout because Emily was supposed to fly back to the states today.  After drinking an entire bottle of wine myself, we somehow made it back home where I passed out, waking up this morning (and by morning I mean 12pm) to discover that the following things had taken place during my slumber:

1. Paul's flight was cancelled
2. Emily's flight was cancelled
3. It was snowing outside with an accumulation of about 3cm (NOT inches- CENTIMETERS)
4. All of the flights in the WORLD were going to be cancelled and I was going to die here

Now, while I was waking up slowly and absorbing all of this information with Miriam and Paul in my room, I was also hungover. I opened the door to the hallway to get a drink of water and BAM! was blitzed attacked by FIVE of my housemates with snowballs.  I immediately assumed the fetal position while they continued to show no mercy.  Eventually, the beating was haulted and I was offered a deal:  give up Paul the terrorist (Matt thinks he's Jack Bauer from 24) and I would be spared.  I agreed- I owe Paul zero allegiance.  As I was agreeing to these terms, Paul and Miriam busted out of my room wearing ALL of my winter gear and basically screamed and ran while the guys and Ruth (that traitor bitch) opened fire.

Eventually, I got myself up and ready and a bunch of us (not Paul, he was sad he got hit in the eye with a snowball in a kitchen attack) walked over to hyde park to have a massive snowball fight.  Although Matt really wanted to hit strangers, we kept it between the six of us.  Then we hit Miriam mercilessly with 20 snowballs in a row for her 20th birthday while she shrunk in fear.

After warming up back at the house, Miriam Ruth and I went to Harrods to celebrate Miriam's birthday -where else?- at the chocolate bar.  It was flipping delicious, as usual, and I conceived 5 chocolate babies.  Yum.  We shopped for a bit, and then called it a day and headed home.

Now I'm  laying in my bed, and was just informed that Cierra and Matt's flights were also cancelled.  I will probably be stuck here until christmas.  I have to finish packing (and by finish, I mean start) but part of me feels like I shouldn't bother.  Scheduled to leave for the airport at 1pm tomorrow, wish me luck.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

I bet Jude Law is in there

You should all be very sad, as this is the beginning of the end of my beautiful posts.  I will be leaving London 10 days from today, and it doesn't make much sense to continue my abroad journal into 2011 when I will be residing in rural DC.  I'll finish out the month and then probably start a new blog about my college adventures.  Keep an eye out for the link to that, I'll make sure to add it in a post so all my loyal followers can continue to read about my life.

You'll be thrilled to know that last night I finished the most miserable paper of my life and only have two more, a final, and a small project to go.  While the rest of you in New York and in the District are winding down your semester, I'm basically just starting to get to the worst part.  Just have to remember to breathe- ten days...ten days.

I've been feeling rather nostalgic lately, however, for this beautiful city even though I haven't left it yet.  I feel like the time flew by but every time I remember a specific event it seems like ages ago.  It is going to be SO weird to go back to the states, see American money, buy a lean cuisine, not be legal to drink- I didn't think I'd have reverse culture shock but I am starting to worry.  I will miss London so much, but I think all the drama and academic bull shit is clouding my mind and causing me to only want to go home.  I said this to Alyssa the other day on Skype and her response was, "Enjoy it while you can, and quit wishing you were back in Mineola.  You HATE Mineola."  And she's right (mostly).  I haven't been back in Mineola for more than a week since this time last year, and I was miserable.  I just miss everyone I love there so much (including her!) and cannot wait to see them.

In exciting update news, I've been back to Winter Wonderland since I last posted.  I went with Emily and Cierra and it was SO fun.  Even though it was basically pouring and I totally ruined my brown Uggs, I had the best time.  We rode the Ferris Wheel and the GIANT slide that you ride down on a burlap sack and catch air over the ramps (you know what I'm talking about...?) and Cierra went down it so fast she went straight through the foam wall at the bottom just like they do in the movies.  SO worth three pounds.

Sunday, Joe and Matt cooked steak and potatoes for everyone and it was absolutely delicious.  Monday I had class and then went over to Alyssia and Emily's apartment for Alyssia's birthday.  We had chicken that they made and it was pretty awesome, which surprised and scared me a little.  I will be living with Alyssia in about a month and if this girl starts to believe she can cook my whole apartment will become a fire hazard.

That's about it for now- I'm at work at the moment and obviously not getting anything done.  Next week on Tuesday night I'll be DONE with class and assignments, and Wednesday is my office Christmas party.  For those of you who are my DC lovers, shoot me a message on Facebook to let me know if you want to hang out/come visit over break in New York.  My next post will undoubtedly be an effort to procrastinate.


Friday, December 3, 2010

You may be overreacting a BIT

It's official, I'm on twitter. Follow me- GennaMarianna- I have a ton of interesting things to say.  Although I do suppose it would be quite redundant to read my blog and then read my tweets (look at me, using lingo!) so don't feel peer pressured or anything. Just a suggestion- I like to look like I have a ton of friends.

You may have also heard that currently London is experiencing a huge giant mega blizzard at the moment.  Oh, wait.  Did I say blizzard?  I meant it snowed for a little yesterday and now there's a half inch of snow on the ground.  I get confused because of the way everyone's freaking out, you know?  Like, with all the panic, I expect to walk outside and have to look UP to see the top of snow drifts.  Alas, not only must I look down, but I must also use my magnifying glass.

As for my super fun day to day activities, that would include going to class, going to work, and trying to stay awake.  I especially enjoy that last one.  When I get back to New York, I am sleeping for three days straight to make up for the three months that I didn't.  That means, for those of you I told I would be back on the 19th, I won't actually be available until the 22nd.  Once the 22nd hits though, I am DEFINITELY down for a good time.  I miss my Mineoleans!

So I'm in the office now, avoiding work as usual.  In the next ten days I have 3 papers do, which is normal for the end of the semester, so I'll probably be working on those all weekend.  But I am down to skype with anyone looking for an excuse to procrastinate!  That's all for today folks, it's been a dull couple of days.  Alyssia's birthday is on Monday though, so that should be fun- we're having dinner at her apartment to celebrate.  Then, on Tuesday, I think I'm going to Surrey (just outside of London) to see Sam in her school's musical.  News on those adventures to come.

Oh, PS:  I have become mildly obsessed with tea.  Promised myself it wouldn't happen but...they got me.
