Thursday, December 9, 2010

I bet Jude Law is in there

You should all be very sad, as this is the beginning of the end of my beautiful posts.  I will be leaving London 10 days from today, and it doesn't make much sense to continue my abroad journal into 2011 when I will be residing in rural DC.  I'll finish out the month and then probably start a new blog about my college adventures.  Keep an eye out for the link to that, I'll make sure to add it in a post so all my loyal followers can continue to read about my life.

You'll be thrilled to know that last night I finished the most miserable paper of my life and only have two more, a final, and a small project to go.  While the rest of you in New York and in the District are winding down your semester, I'm basically just starting to get to the worst part.  Just have to remember to breathe- ten days...ten days.

I've been feeling rather nostalgic lately, however, for this beautiful city even though I haven't left it yet.  I feel like the time flew by but every time I remember a specific event it seems like ages ago.  It is going to be SO weird to go back to the states, see American money, buy a lean cuisine, not be legal to drink- I didn't think I'd have reverse culture shock but I am starting to worry.  I will miss London so much, but I think all the drama and academic bull shit is clouding my mind and causing me to only want to go home.  I said this to Alyssa the other day on Skype and her response was, "Enjoy it while you can, and quit wishing you were back in Mineola.  You HATE Mineola."  And she's right (mostly).  I haven't been back in Mineola for more than a week since this time last year, and I was miserable.  I just miss everyone I love there so much (including her!) and cannot wait to see them.

In exciting update news, I've been back to Winter Wonderland since I last posted.  I went with Emily and Cierra and it was SO fun.  Even though it was basically pouring and I totally ruined my brown Uggs, I had the best time.  We rode the Ferris Wheel and the GIANT slide that you ride down on a burlap sack and catch air over the ramps (you know what I'm talking about...?) and Cierra went down it so fast she went straight through the foam wall at the bottom just like they do in the movies.  SO worth three pounds.

Sunday, Joe and Matt cooked steak and potatoes for everyone and it was absolutely delicious.  Monday I had class and then went over to Alyssia and Emily's apartment for Alyssia's birthday.  We had chicken that they made and it was pretty awesome, which surprised and scared me a little.  I will be living with Alyssia in about a month and if this girl starts to believe she can cook my whole apartment will become a fire hazard.

That's about it for now- I'm at work at the moment and obviously not getting anything done.  Next week on Tuesday night I'll be DONE with class and assignments, and Wednesday is my office Christmas party.  For those of you who are my DC lovers, shoot me a message on Facebook to let me know if you want to hang out/come visit over break in New York.  My next post will undoubtedly be an effort to procrastinate.



  1. Oh my god, you are basically LIVING the office Christmas party in Love Actually. So jealous.

    Also jealous you're going to be stateside in ten days!

  2. Hahaha not exactly, just living in London and GOING to an office Christmas party! Am I going to see you at all this year or will you be in France for forever??
