Friday, December 3, 2010

You may be overreacting a BIT

It's official, I'm on twitter. Follow me- GennaMarianna- I have a ton of interesting things to say.  Although I do suppose it would be quite redundant to read my blog and then read my tweets (look at me, using lingo!) so don't feel peer pressured or anything. Just a suggestion- I like to look like I have a ton of friends.

You may have also heard that currently London is experiencing a huge giant mega blizzard at the moment.  Oh, wait.  Did I say blizzard?  I meant it snowed for a little yesterday and now there's a half inch of snow on the ground.  I get confused because of the way everyone's freaking out, you know?  Like, with all the panic, I expect to walk outside and have to look UP to see the top of snow drifts.  Alas, not only must I look down, but I must also use my magnifying glass.

As for my super fun day to day activities, that would include going to class, going to work, and trying to stay awake.  I especially enjoy that last one.  When I get back to New York, I am sleeping for three days straight to make up for the three months that I didn't.  That means, for those of you I told I would be back on the 19th, I won't actually be available until the 22nd.  Once the 22nd hits though, I am DEFINITELY down for a good time.  I miss my Mineoleans!

So I'm in the office now, avoiding work as usual.  In the next ten days I have 3 papers do, which is normal for the end of the semester, so I'll probably be working on those all weekend.  But I am down to skype with anyone looking for an excuse to procrastinate!  That's all for today folks, it's been a dull couple of days.  Alyssia's birthday is on Monday though, so that should be fun- we're having dinner at her apartment to celebrate.  Then, on Tuesday, I think I'm going to Surrey (just outside of London) to see Sam in her school's musical.  News on those adventures to come.

Oh, PS:  I have become mildly obsessed with tea.  Promised myself it wouldn't happen but...they got me.


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