Saturday, December 18, 2010

Heathrow Airport is the MOST dramatic

Good evening lovelies, greetings from across the pond.  I know it's been a while since my last entry, and this is mostly due to the fact that there has been little to report.  Between my last post and this one, I have basically just been writing papers and working, preparing to end the stress of school with a bang and today was supposed to be spent packing.  Let me explain what ACTUALLY happened.

Last night, I went to Emily and Alyssia's with Mimi and Cierra to drink and hangout because Emily was supposed to fly back to the states today.  After drinking an entire bottle of wine myself, we somehow made it back home where I passed out, waking up this morning (and by morning I mean 12pm) to discover that the following things had taken place during my slumber:

1. Paul's flight was cancelled
2. Emily's flight was cancelled
3. It was snowing outside with an accumulation of about 3cm (NOT inches- CENTIMETERS)
4. All of the flights in the WORLD were going to be cancelled and I was going to die here

Now, while I was waking up slowly and absorbing all of this information with Miriam and Paul in my room, I was also hungover. I opened the door to the hallway to get a drink of water and BAM! was blitzed attacked by FIVE of my housemates with snowballs.  I immediately assumed the fetal position while they continued to show no mercy.  Eventually, the beating was haulted and I was offered a deal:  give up Paul the terrorist (Matt thinks he's Jack Bauer from 24) and I would be spared.  I agreed- I owe Paul zero allegiance.  As I was agreeing to these terms, Paul and Miriam busted out of my room wearing ALL of my winter gear and basically screamed and ran while the guys and Ruth (that traitor bitch) opened fire.

Eventually, I got myself up and ready and a bunch of us (not Paul, he was sad he got hit in the eye with a snowball in a kitchen attack) walked over to hyde park to have a massive snowball fight.  Although Matt really wanted to hit strangers, we kept it between the six of us.  Then we hit Miriam mercilessly with 20 snowballs in a row for her 20th birthday while she shrunk in fear.

After warming up back at the house, Miriam Ruth and I went to Harrods to celebrate Miriam's birthday -where else?- at the chocolate bar.  It was flipping delicious, as usual, and I conceived 5 chocolate babies.  Yum.  We shopped for a bit, and then called it a day and headed home.

Now I'm  laying in my bed, and was just informed that Cierra and Matt's flights were also cancelled.  I will probably be stuck here until christmas.  I have to finish packing (and by finish, I mean start) but part of me feels like I shouldn't bother.  Scheduled to leave for the airport at 1pm tomorrow, wish me luck.


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