Saturday, October 16, 2010

How do you transport negative space?

So, just like two weeks ago, I'm going to force you to read the below post before you continue on with this one.  Because then you can really feel like you were with me all weekend in Paris, instead of just for part of the time that I describe in this second post.

So, after Montmarte, me, Kate, Vanessa and her posse made our way to see the Moulin Rouge.  As it is one of my all time favorite movies, I had told Vanessa that this was a priority for me.  To get to the Moulin Rouge, we had to walk through the Red Light District, which I thought was only in Amsterdam.  But no, Paris has its own little sex town right in the heart of it's beautiful architecture and culture.  We passed stores declaring "SEX HERE" & "WET PUSSYS" and resisted the temptation to enter the "Museum of Erotica."  It was all very romantic.  One we found the Moulin Rouge, we took some fun pictures and decided to go home and eat. 

We stopped at a supermarket by Vanessa's flat and her friend Danny made us dinner.  Then, Vanessa made plans for us to go out.  Unfortunately, I was still sick and wanted to save my energy for my last day in Paris, so I decided to stay in.  I know everyone thinks I'm lame, but I can drink anywhere.  I'm only in Paris once (so far, that I know of) and I don't want to miss anything because I'm hungover or even just overtired.  So I watched some TV on Vanessa's computer and went to sleep early.  So responsible!

The next morning we planned on spending most of the day attacking the world's largest museum: the Louvre.  We stopped at a breakfast place and ate the most delicious crepes, and then got on the metro.  Have I mentioned that people in Paris smell REALLY bad?  Because this fact is exentuated (sp?) on the metro.  I almost up-ed my crepe.  They don't believe in deoderant, apparently.

The Louve was an adventure and a half.  First of all, it is the most beautiful building I've ever seen, and it is HUGE.  There is a giant garden with a lake and the famous glass pyramid in the courtyard, and people everywhere.  Thankfully, due to Vanessa's awesome french/bull shitting skills, we not only cut the line and snuck in the back, but we got our tickets for free even though Kate forgot her student ID.  (Word to the wise: if you ever find yourself traveling in Europe and you're in the posession of a student ID, use it.  I cannot tell you how much money I've saved.)

On the way through security, I made a speech about how much I loved my friends and enjoyed my weekend and Katie started crying.  So we were off to a great start.  We then got lost in the museum for about an hour looking for the Venus de Milo, which I was convinced for a while didn't exist because no one would tell us where it was.  (Finally we found it.  Bitch has no arms.)  We also saw the Mona Lisa, which was not as small as everyone made it seem, but also not that entertaining.  Here's my thing about art:  Modern art can suck it.  I go into the MOMA or the Tate Modern and it's like, okay, I could paint that, you could paint that, my dog could paint that.  The paintings/sculptures in the Louvre were amazing, I appreciated the fact that I could not paint anything in the whole museum.  Respect.  But what I don't understand is why certain pieces are considered so prestigious and famous, while others just as good go unrecognized.  Case in point: the Mona Lisa.  It's amazing, sure.  But it was on a wall opposite this piece that was bigger than my flat, and painted with such intense detail I just couldn't fathom why no one was crowding around it.  At the end of the day, The Mona Lisa is just some ugly bitch that no one really knew anything about.  HOLY SHIT SHE'S STONEHENGE.  (If you're a loyal follower of my blogs you already know my issue with stonehenge.)

After the Louve, we walked through the gardens, took the metro to the Luxomburg gardens, and sat to eat lunch.  It was kind of rushed because Kate and I had trains to catch, so we made our way back to Vanessa's to pack and say our goodbyes.  Vanessa and I took Kate to the train station, where she cried again, (sorry Kate, I love you too I'm just dead inside!) and then Vanessa and I got Mcdonalds while we waited for my train home.

I cannot possibly write anymore about Paris.  I'm tired and I'm waiting for my laundry to be done.  Some bitch stole my dryer while I was writing this post.  Hope it was worth it!


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