Thursday, October 21, 2010

That swan is going to kill us

I'm gonna try to keep this one super short so you're not overwhelmed by my sudden burst of blogging, it's just that so much has been going on!  First of all, I made my schedule this week for Spring 2010 classes, and if everything works out, it should be a good semester.  I'm taking three classes for my major (one with Camille, of course!), one for my minor, and one science Gen-Ed.  No classes Wednesday and out by 12:35pm on T/F!  Very excited.  Second of all, the reason why so much has been going on is because (!!) Camille has been in London all week.

Although we didn't really do much during the day, (with the exception of our PrimeMark adventure), I saw Camille and Alyssia almost every night this week.  This has been nice for two reasons: 1.  I love them and 2. My flatmates and I are all driving each other insane.  With the flatmate issue aside, it's been a really great week.  Camille and I made dinner together one night at my apartment, and then again last night at her cousin's apartment (where she's staying) with Alyssia.  We also went out one night to a cheap pub dinner, where I scared the crap out of the two of them by stealing about 8 forks.  Camille leaves tomorrow and I will be sad day all days until January when we are re-united.

Yesterday during the day, me, Miriam, and Emily (Alyssia's roommate who I am in love with because she's a sassy bitch), went to Hampton Court Palace to see where Henry VIII lived and banged.  And bang he did! He had like, a 100 mistresses and about 327 wives.  We had tried to go see this palace last week, but Emily did not read the directions very well and we ended up about 12 miles away from where we needed to be.  This time, we took the right train, which was an overground train that left London, to get to the Hampton Court.  We spent a couple of hours there, had lunch, and walked around the multiple acres of gardens outside the palace.  Even though it was FREEZING, we were lucky that the sun was shining, and it ended up being a pretty awesome day.

So I leave you with a warning.  I leave tomorrow for a 9 day trip through Rome & Greece with Miriam.  One of two things will happen (in relation to my blog):  either I'll find time in my busy schedule to get to an internet cafe once every couple of days and update, or I'll get home without having posted at all and not be able to muster up the energy to write about 9 days and two countries and countless experiences so I won't bother writing at all.  I'm going to try though, because this blog is not only to keep you guys in the loop but also for myself to have some kind of written account of my life here, and I wouldn't want to skip such a big part.  Wish me luck and a bon voyage!


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