Sunday, October 31, 2010

Count how many people think it's a bathroom

Home in London!

After a hectic epic trip in Rome, doing nothing in Mykonos for three days seemed super inviting.  Unfortunately, as relaxing as it is to sleep in until 11am and have no cares in the world, it gets pretty boring.  It's not to say I didn't enjoy myself these past few days: riding around the coast on an ATV, shopping, taking walks on the beach and eating gyro IS fun, I'm just glad I'm back to reality.  Not to mention it was super hard to leave the hotel Thursday and Friday because of the super violent winds and insane downpour. Needless to say, Miriam and I learned a lot about each other over the past week, especially after drinking a lot of wine and being cooped up for too long in our beautiful room.

I don't want to make this post super long, because I am so tired and I think you have all probably heard enough, but I just wanted to mention a few more things that I did on my holiday this week before I finally returned home to my flat this evening.

The last two days in Mykonos, as I mentioned, were long and slightly boring due to the weather.  Miriam and I found out the hard way that unless you own a DVD player or have a job, there is literally nothing to do in Mykonos when it is not nice out.  We did make it down to the beach a few times, to enjoy the view and have dinner on our last night, but mostly we got stuck in doors.  During our trip though we met some interesting people:  our waiter at the Perfecto Cafe where we had lunch every day, who offered to drive us around and "show us Mykonos", and the guy who rented us our ATV, who shamelessly flirted with Miriam and then asked us out for drinks when we ran into him on the streets the next day.  All in all, Greece is amazingly beautiful and we had a lot of fun.

Today was a super long day because we woke up in Mykonos and then flew to Athens, where we had a 6 hour layover we purposefully booked so that we would have time to see the Parthanon (sp?) and the Acropolys (sp? haha).  We went into the city expected to run there, take some pictures, and run back, until we realized that the Acropolys is actually a giant fucking hike.  Not prepared clothing-wise at all and carrying huge heavy backpacks, Miriam and I eventually made our way to the top.  It was worth it: we had an amazing view of the entire city and we definitely worked off the McDonalds we ate for lunch.

A quick reflection on our trip in general:
1.  Thank you to the millions of people that took pictures for Mimi and I this week, since we were sick of taking pictures by ourselves.
2.  Sooooo much gelato
3.  Feels good to be home, even though this week was one of the most amazing of my life.

I'll try to add a few more stories and fun facts another day, but for now I'm so tired and just trying to upload a bagillion pictures.  Be sure to check them out on facebook, I got some good ones!


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