Tuesday, October 26, 2010

In America you can marry more than one person and the grapes don't have seeds

This is damn near impossible, keeping up with myself.  Where do I begin?  Let me start with the following perspectives:  This morning I was in Rome, this afternoon I was in Athens, this night (now) I'm in Mykonos.  Yesterday, I was wearing a shirt I bought in Paris, sitting in the Vatican, studying abroad in London, going to school in DC, born in NY.  In the past two months I have been on 8 flights, 2 international trains, and in 6 different countries.  I cannot believe how fast the future is becoming the present, and how I'm finally doing things with my life that I only ever dreamed about.

Mimi and I walked nearly all over the south of Rome, ate dinner in the courtyard of the Pantheon by the fountain, saw a professional tug of war team event, took a zillion pictures (of course), got lost along the river, got found along the river, had a photoshoot, ate gelato twice in two hours, ran into people from our London program, got a bottle of wine, drank in our hotel room, and fell asleep dreaming of Italian men with super sexy accents.  We saw a small island, the Trastevere River, a synogog, Ceaser's fort, Augusto's fort, more ruins, more ruins, more ruins...I wish I had my map on my so I actually know the name of everything we saw.  Anyways, I think I'm overlapping some of this with my blog from the other day so I'll move on to Monday...AKA the longest day of my life to date.

Woke up at 8am for the fourth day in a row, showered, got ready, and went with Mimi to meet Cierra at the Vatican.  When we got there, she had been waiting on line for 45 minutes already...and it ended up being another 2 hours until we reached the entrance to the museum.  Big suck.  We went into the museum, had lunch in the courtyard and saw the Sistine Chapel...which is ten times more impressive than anything anyone has ever described to me.  The three of us got gelato and then Cierra had to leave, so Mimi and I sat in the main part of the Vatican in front of the Basillica (sp?) while I quoted Eurotrip.  (They've elected a new pope!  We could be seeing history in the making!  We could be seeing an ARREST in the making.)

While we were there, we waited for Miriam's friend Giacammo, who grew up and lives in Rome.  They met at a camp that they both went to for 2 weeks in 2005, and after all these years Miriam thought it would be fun to reunite.  Backround on Giacammo: He's a true Italian who is adorable with the sexiest accent especially when he speaks Italian, and I will probably never be able to spell his name correctly.  After we met, G (that's what we'll call him) took us all along the river so we could see the Justice building, where he went to high school, and a beautiful castle.  Then, we climbed up one TRILLION stairs (not unlike Montmarte, in Paris) to reach this balcony (blanking on the name) so we could over look the Piazza Popolo and see all of Rome just as the sun was setting.  Como se dici "breathtaking" in Italiano?

After the balcony we had dinner, where G ordered for us in Italian and we all drank lots of wine.  We went to G's car after dinner and then found a bar along the river after walking for about an hour and, of course, stopping for gelato.  The whole time we're walking I'm explaining to G that we have an early flight, have to be up by 6am and leave by 7, we're tired from a long ass day, and I don't want to go home any later than 10 30...I know I sound like a buzz kill but I was too tired from drinking, and I can drink any time I want in London.  It's just not why I came to Rome.  The only reason why we ended up going at all is because G told us he'd drive us back to our hotel, which was about an hour away from the city center and super hard to get to.  (Also right next to a prison in an area that is the Italian equivilant of Harlem.)

So we get to this bar that has 15 euro pitchers of some brazilian cocktail with strawberries that G convinces us is the best.  The three of us sucked it down in about 15 minutes, and then all of a sudden ms. buzz kill decides she needs another pitcher.  So we order another (first mistake), this time with tequila (second mistake) and I drink a lot of it super fast (third mistake).  Needless to say I became shit faced (this being an understatement) and fell on the pavement a couple of times on our way to the car.  I'm COVERED in bruises.  I passed out in the car, have no recollection of how we got into the hotel, and started puking in the garbage can next to my bed in the room while Mimi took care of me.  I think it's safe to say that night will go down in history as epic/insane/uncalled for.  Did I mention I woke up this morning still drunk?  Boarded a plane to Athens at 11:15am...still drunk.  Disaster.

But you know what is not a disaster?  Mykonos.  Sweet baby angel I can never leave.  Mimi and I arrived in Mykonos after having separate 30 minute connecting flights in Athens into the smallest airport in the universe.  I think my house is bigger.  We took a 30 second cab ride to the hotel (30 seconds because the driver was going ABOUT 115 miles per hour on a windy single lane road), and checked in around 9pm.  Our hotel is beautiful, our room is beautiful, and we have a balcony overlooking the ocean.  The only thing to see in Mykonos besides beaches are the windmills, and we can see them from our balcony.  We are two minutes walk from the beaches.  The woman who runs the desk just brought me a ham and cheese sandwhich while I was writing this blog.  I know I haven't seen it in the daytime yet, but consider me in love with this Island.

For now, I must part ways because I've been online too long and need to go to sleep so I can wake up sober tomorrow (for more drinking tomorrow night).  I will leave you with this: I could not be more thankful for my life right now, including everyone and everything in it.  I love you all so much, thanks for being such loyal readers and sharing in my excitement!  And yes, I'm bringing you all AWESOME souveniers. 


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