Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

In a couple of hours my parents will board a plane at Heathrow headed for New York, and I can't stop thinking how strange it is that in three weeks I'll be doing the exact same thing.  I have 21 days left in this country and, given how quickly the other hundred or so went by, I'm only now realizing how much there is that I haven't done.  Luckily, I have the advantage of being young- if all goes according to the plans I have for my life, I will be back in Europe eventually. 

Also, I had the advantage this week of doing a lot of fun stuff with my parents while they were visiting.  Wednesday, I went to work as usual, where there was a small fiasco that involved me stuffing, unstuffing, and then restuffing 80 envelopes.  Around 4:30pm, my parents met me at the office so we could have dinner, but my boss insisted that they come up and meet everyone in the office and sit down for a cup of tea.  We ended up hanging out with my boss and coworkers for about an hour, and it was a lot of fun because I got to show my family where I worked and what my days are like here.  After their visit we went to TGIFriday's for some delicious food and then nextdoor to a comedy show that I bought tickets for weeks ago.  It was an improv group like last time, with a bar and open seating with a tiny stage in front.  And, also like last time, the comedians were HYSTERICAL- my entire family was falling out of their chairs laughing. 

Thursday was, as everyone knows, the beautiful American holiday of Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately, I am not in American, and it took my family and I hours to actually find a turkey so my mom could cook a nice meal for us in their hotel.  During the day, we all went to an exhibit at the Queen's Gallery in Buckingham Palace called the Victoria and Albert exhibit of antique art and paintings, and then to the royal stables where we saw royal horses and royal things and I got a royal lollipop for free at the gift shop.  (No seriously, it was royal- it said Prince on is.  They ran out of Princess ones.)  We also saw the carriage that Kate Middleton is going to ride in when here and William get married in April of next year.  Lucky bitch.

After the museums we went back to cook dinner (or at least my Mom did, while Matt and I watched Friends on TV!!), and then ate around 5:30 with my friend Sam joining us.  We watched the Holiday (which came in a box set with Love Actually), and laid around with portruding bellies from a delicious feast.  Yum sweet potatoes with marshmellows.  On Friday, I had work and then I went to my parents hotel, where Alyssia met up with us so we could all eat dinner together.  Because I didn't book Ice Bar tickets soon enough, we couldn't get in, so we had fast food in a super shady BK by the Earl's Court tube and then went to see Despicable Me in Leicester Square. It only JUST came out here, which is weird since I saw it opening night in DC in July.  And yes, it STILL made me laugh my ass off.  If you haven't already seen it, I suggest you do soon.

And what am I doing right now?  Sitting in bed, debating over whether or not I should take a giant nap to catch up on all the sleep I missed this week (and for the past three months, for that matter.).  I woke up early to have breakfast with my family before they left, and now I'm home doing schoolwork and fighting to stay awake.  Miriam has a friend visiting so I'm going to meet them in Hyde Park later at "Winter Wonderland" and my kitchen looks like a bomb hit it (as usual) so I'll probably also do some cleaning.  I miss you all and hope you had a wonderful holiday with your families.


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