Monday, November 15, 2010

The light just snap krackle popped

This continuance is specially written for Kate, who doesn't believe I'll finish posting about my weekend and thinks that all of my facebook advertising is a ploy to encourage readership for stale blog updates.  Ha!  I have bested you, Face, and will always be one step ahead. <3 <3 <3

Saturday was a long day.  After getting only about 5 hours of sleep or so after a fun Friday night, I woke up to an all too chipper Kate and an appropriately chipper Vanessa (chipper meter determined in direct correlation to the hour), who had just arrived at Heathrow airport that morning.  They had one full day left in London and so it was my job to show them the best of it, so we got to work.  Of course our first stop was Camden Market, my favorite shopping destination in the city, where we spent a couple of hours looking around.  I'm amazed at how every time I go there I see a new section of it I never knew existed.

 After we left Camden, we noticed that pretty much all the tube lines were down due to construction, but we managed to make our way down to Westminster to see the crucial London sights.  We saw the River Thames and took some pictures together in front of the London Eye.

It didn't take long for Vanessa and Katie to convince me that we had to ride the London Eye, even though it was expensive, I was damn near broke, and I was almost positive I was going in a week when my family visits anyway.  We got our tickets and stood online for about 20 minutes and could not have possibly timed it better.  We got on just as the sun was going down and the whole city was lit up beautifully.  Just as our pod hit the highest point on the wheel, fireworks were being set off on the River right in front of us in honor of Rememberance Day.  It was so scenic it reminded me how much I have totally fallen in love with this city over the past few months.  Katie, on the other hand, didn't need as much time to grow appreciation.  She had been declaring since the moment she arrived that London would one day be her permanent home.

After the Eye, we met up with three of Vanessa's friends who were also visiting London so we could all have dinner together (along with Alyssia and Emily), at my favorite Chinese food place Hare&Tortuous.  Because the tubes were down we had QUITE an adventure getting to the resturant, but I won't waste time and energy describing the ordeal because it was insanely frustrating and disheartening.  On the upside, dinner was delicious, and afterwards, Vanessa, Katie, Alyssia, Emily and I all went back to my flat for a drink.  Bedtime was early that night for sure. 

Sunday was an overdue lazy day.  I hadn't sat in my flat awake for more than an hour since Wednesday, and I was so tired and wiped out I could hardly get out of my bed.  I slept 12 hours, during which Katie left for the airport, and then woke up to say goodbye to Vanessa when she got back from seeing more of London that afternoon.  I grabbed some groceries, made some lunch, and watched a lot of television.  Got to catch up on my shows!

Today, I was back to a hectic routine; I had to wake up extra early and take the tube an hour out into zone four for my international marketing class field trip to Wembley stadium.  The tour of the stadium was actually a lot of fun, and I was really excited to see more of London- especially on class time and on someone else's dollar.  Now that I'm leaving in just five weeks, I feel like I have to see everything!  I already know next week is going to be insane and filled with London adventures, since my parents and Matt (!!!!!!) arrive on Saturday for a week long visit.  I miss Matt so much, I haven't seen him since May, so he better be prepared for a lot of squeezy hugs.

Tomorrow, I have another class field trip (British Life & Cultures) to see the houses of Parliament.  Should be sufficiently dull- no one knows as little about politics as I do.  The good news is, today I found Nutella cereal in the supermarket and will be having a deliciously fattening breakfast in the morning.


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