Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Oh my GOD you guys!

I know I've been lousy at updating lately, and I apologize- it's actually been a really hectic week.  I went on two field trips for class last week, one to the new Wembley Football Stadium for international marketing and one to Parliament for my British life & cultures class.  I love how most of the sights I'm seeing in the country I live in are mandatory for grades!  I know I already wrote about the stadium so I won't double-bore you, but Parliament was fairly interesting although I didn't take any pictures and almost fell asleep during the tour.  I cannot believe how much I haven't been sleeping since I got to London...Christmas break is going to be one giant nap for me.

Wednesday I had work all day, which was mostly the same as usual.  I kept entertained my distracting my co workers and getting a sufficient amount of emailing done, and then I met my flatmate Ruth at our house so we could get ready to go to the theater.  We had bought tickets way back in September to see Legally Blonde, and it was finally time- second show in less than a week!  We had a great time on our little date, and the show was pretty good.  Not as good as Sami made it out to be- I found it to be a little annoying at parts, but it was still funny and a much needed break from a long start to a short week at work.

Thursday and Friday were boring work days as well, pretty much bonding with my boss and procrastinating a bunch (although I do work, I swear!).  I was mostly just excited for my family to arrive in London (they were due early Saturday morning) so I didn't have much to keep me busy besides planning out our week together. 

Now that my parents have been here for about 5 days, I have a lot to update in this blog.  Unfortunately, it's 1:30am and I just came from the apartment where they're staying (which is SUPER nice) and I have work in the morning so I wanted this to be a simple quick update.  Tomorrow, I'll get around to the good and juicy stuff that's been going on in my life.


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