Thursday, November 4, 2010

Is there no limit to what Stanley won't notice?

Back to London, which means back to posting once every week or so.  A couple of super important points I need to make sure I cover in this edition:

1. I started my internship on Wednesday

2. Alyssia, Emily and I went to the National Gallery on Tuesday and saw lots of paintings of people I didn't know.  Some were naked.

3. I got an A in Finance!  Fuck yes.  I rule the world.

4. I desperately miss my notebooks (packing on the way here only allowed me to bring one instead of all six and I'm suffering from separation anxiety)

5. I have three (yes, three...THREE) grey hairs.  Three.  And that's only counting the ones I can see with my naked eyes (the ones on the front of my face. If you're walking behind me and notice another one, by all means, fill me in.)

Ok so, lets be real here folks:  the only one of those thoughts that actually needs expanding is the first one.  As most of you know, part of my program here in London is to do a 6 credit internship for seven weeks during the second half of the semester (that's why my finance class is already over.  Did I mention I got an A?).  So on Wednesday, I put on a "smart" business outfit (some british slang for you), and took the bus to Green Park where I will be working for the rest of the term.  I'm in the corporate office of NinetyTen, a social networking business that has created a private social network for membership organizations.  I'm working in the marketing department (which is actually just me, another intern, and an actual marketing guy), but in one big office (and I use the term "big" loosely) with the whole staff.  Altogether, including myself and my boss, there's 5 of us.  The work is kind of tedious- I'm doing a giant database entry sheet and sending out solicitation emails for our new product- but I love everyone I work with so it's a lot of fun.  Today, my boss Tony bought us all KFC and we just sat in the conference room for an hour and hung out.  I also convinced all of them that we should go see the Social Network movie together (appropriate), so we're going next week.

So, ever since I've been waking up at 7 30 and doing 9 hour days, I'm super tired all the time, as are the rest of my flatmates.  So even though it's only 11 30, I'm going to sleep.  I want to give a nice little shout out first, though, to my best friend Alyssa (Joey!) because tomorrow is her 20th birthday and I'm sad I can't be with her for it.  I love you so much Alyssa and hope it's the best!  More in a few days, this weekend should be tons of fun.


1 comment:

  1. do you know how hard it is going to be for me to get an A in Finance?

    i openly hate you a little bit.
