Monday, November 8, 2010

Theories on whether or not I'm actually here

I wonder how many people I can randomly run into in Europe before it becomes strange/apparent that I'm actually living inside a very small cardboard box?  To date, these are my awkward "small-world" run-ins:

1.  While travelling to Rome with Mimi, we realized we were on a flight with two girls in our marketing class at FIE.  Two days later, we ran into them again while eating gelato (what else?) at Campo de Fiori.  Also, while at the Vatican on the Monday of that week, we ran into two other people we go to school with in London.

2.  About two weeks into living in London I was walking home from the tube when I noticed a girl who looked extremely familiar:  turned out to be an old friend from high school that graduated the same year as my brother.  She had gotten there that morning- I hadn't seen her in 6 years.

3.  Saturday night, Mimi, Cierra and I met up with Emily at a bar by where she lives.  She had two friends visiting from American and we wanted to all have a grand old time partying the night away.  Five minutes after getting there, I'm walking past the bar when someone reaches out and grabs my arm:  I'm about to smack a bitch because that would have been the second time I had been groped since entering.  I turn around and it's Ian, a guy who lived on my floor freshman year at AU.  He was with three other AU people.  ...Wtf?

So, as a result of the above evidence, I have developed a theory.  I am in my very own version of the Truman show, and everyone in the world is staged to bump into me randomly when I least expect it.  Either that or we're all in a social experiment of students who THINK they're studying abroad but actually are, in fact, living inside a very small cardboard box.
