Sunday, November 14, 2010

Katie is moving to London, apparently

I have spent entirely too many hours wearing stockings in the past ten days.  I can get passed this though, because I look so damn cute in my little professional outfits I think it's worth the annoyance.  My internship is going really well- I love my boss and all the people I work with, and I just found out I'm actually going to receive a small amount of compensation at the end of the seven weeks (paid in GBP, score!) even though its kind of against the rules.  The days are long of course, but they don't drag which is good.  Twenty-four hours a week is a lot, but I suppose it hardly compares to how much I worked this summer.  I also kind of enjoy my twenty minute commute every morning; I take the number 14 bus from South Kensington to Green Park (yes, I sit on top of the double deckers...I don't care how long you live here it's still cool) and on the way get to see great parts of the city.  The windows in Harrod's (which are comparable to the holiday windows at Sax Fifth Avenue) look amazing because it's Christmastime and the whole city is getting ready for the season.

Besides working so much at my internship, I had the most hectic, insane, fun week in London.  Wednesday, I went straight from my job to meet one of my flatmates, Ruth, in Picadilly for dinner and a comedy show.  We had bought tickets for the show through our abroad program for 5 quid, which was an amazing discount.  After dinner at TGIF, we sat down at the comedy club for happy hour drinks and the show.  It was hysterical, I literally have not laughed that hard in a long time.  I didn't think it was going to be that funny because it was improv instead of stand up, but it was really entertaining.

After the show, I got home and Katie was sitting on my couch!!  (This wasn't a surprise, I knew she was coming but it was still just like Christmas morning!)   She brought my chocolates from France to thank me for hosting her for the weekend, which was adorable and one of the million reasons why I love her.  We spent some time chatting and catching up, but then I had to go to sleep because I had work early the next morning.  During the day on Friday, Katie met me on my lunch break at this yummy salad place, and then came to see my office.  After I got out of work, we had a quick dinner at my flat and then went with Mimi to see Wicked at the Apollo Theater in Victoria.  It's already one of my favorite shows, but the singing that night made me fall in LOVE.  The cast was incredible, and the woman who played Elphaba (who yes, had an Irish accent!) blew Idina Menzel out of the water.

Friday, I had work again but it was good to know I had an exciting weekend coming up.  Friday night, everyone in my flat plus about 18 other people visiting went out to a club.  I haven't gone out with everyone in a LONG time since I was travelling so much last month and have just been so tired all the time.  We went to a club called Pacha, where there was a random fashion show going on.  Katie and I got home super late and then, much to my distaste, woke up super early on Saturday morning for another long day.

I'm going to finish updating a little later, I have to eat some dinner and work on a paper I have due on Tuesday.  It would also be nice if I could find an open washer/dryer to get some laundry done.


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