Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I know exactly what I would do with a Baby Elephant

It's been an exciting weekend. Friday night, my flatmates and I went out to a club called ArchAngel with a bunch of other FIE students. We drank a ton as usual and had a shit ton of good fun. Saturday night we went to a club called Tiger Tiger, that had about 600 people in it dancing and sweating all over the place. We drank a ton as usual and had a shit ton of good fun. (I came here to learn, obviously...) On the way home, we rode a double decker bus and it was quite an experience haha...I thought those were only for tourists but apparently those are the normal public transportation vehicles. I like taking the buses better than the tube because, for one thing, they're up super high which is awesome, and two, you get to see the city while you're going from one place to another. The only problem is, the buses are really hard to figure out whereas the tube is really easy. Plus, the tube goes EVERYWHERE with stops every two blocks(unlike in DC), and on each line, a new train comes about every two minutes (DEFINITELY unlike in DC).

On Sunday, my flatmates Joe, Dennis and I went down to the River Thames to see the Tower of London. I had already been on the tour once before, when I came to London with my parents in 2008, but I paid the (over-priced) 16 quid to see the sights again. It was a little more interesting this time around, since I went on my own will and my own time. We took a lot of pictures, (which you can all see on facebook!) and then went on to find the rest of our flatmates at the Thames Festival. There were a ton of tents set up at the festival, with food, booze, jewelry, clothes, etc. We walked around for hours, drank, ate, hung out, and then walked forever along the water so we could find a good place to watch the fireworks. We passed the Millennium bridge, the London bridge, the Tower bridge, and ended up on the Blackfriars bridge. (SOME of us were cranky...but a little more booze and we were all in good spirits!) After the fireworks, which were amazing, we all went home to pass out and grimace about the fact that most of us had class at 9am the next morning.

A few side notes before continuing on with other exciting stories (which are exciting when they happen, but probably don't sound as exciting when I re-tell them poorly here):

1. The cleaning crew that works for FIE cleans our flat once a week. They're here right now, vacuuming...and they hate us. They don't really speak English but they sure as shit understand the fact that Flat 15 drunkenly robbed their cleaning closet and stole 24 rolls of toilet paper last weekend.

2. We have a lot of cabinet space in our kitchen, so each of the 12 of us has our own shelf to put our food on. If anyone, however, stores bananas on their shelf, after one day everything in the entire cabinet tastes a bit like bananas. Now I have to admit, I'm the one who owns the bananas. But I am also the person who now owns banana oreos, banana pasta, banana pretzels, etc...so I think I paid a fair price. Alas, the rest of my flat disagrees, and reprimands me every time they eat their banana flavored meals.

3. Last night, Joe and Matt cooked dinner for all 12 of us. It was actually pretty good, and we all ate together which was really nice. I will say, I don't think I've every laughed so hard in my life. Especially when Paul started talking about what he would do if he had a baby elephant...(no, there was no real preface to this conversation. It just kind of happened.)

4. I'm sick. I came down with a cough/stuffed nose/chesty thing yesterday morning and yes, I do blame Miriam. In fact, most of my flat is suffering from cold-like symptoms, so this week will probably be a bit more low key than last.

And, onto information so important that it is not numbered in my list of side-facts. Miriam and I have officially booked our 492 plane tickets for our mid-term break vacation.

October 22nd, 5:10 pm, flight from London to Rome
October 26th, 11:10am, flight from Rome to Mykonos (4 hour layover in Athens)
October 30th, 12:00pm, flight from Mykonos to Athens (spending the day in Athens)
October 30th, 7:30pm, flight from Athens back to London

There was a little drama towards the end of the booking process, (during which I expected my credit card to literally explode), when Miriam and I clicked book at the same time and she got on our flight from Rome to Mykonos and I got an error message saying the flight was sold out. Upon refreshing the page we realized the plane ticket had gone from 95 quid to 667 quid. We freaked out for a good 27 minutes until we finally found a flight for me on a different connecting jet to Mykonos for a normal price (120 Euros). So now, we'll leave Rome together, arrive in Athens, and take two separate 40 minute flights to Mykonos an hour apart. We were bound to fuck it up somewhere...

So for now, Miriam and I are gonna start the countdown to an epic vacation and look up hostels and fun things to do. Alyssia gets to London on Monday, which makes me soooo insanely happy because I miss her to pieces, and I'm going to shmush her face so much when we hang out. Two and a half weeks until Berlin, and many more adventures in between I'm sure.


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