Friday, September 3, 2010

There's porn in the phone booths

...No really. A lot of it. Like if you were a guy, it would be very hard (no pun intended) to focus on a phone call.

That's the majority of the non-PG update for today, on to what I learned in orientation this morning.

1. I WILL be considered a stupid American (I'm 99% sure they're still pissed we seceded...akwardddd)
2. I WILL do something stupid while intoxicated (To re-affirm the former point)
3. I WILL get pickpocketed. (Either here or during my various travels around Europe, but most likely, both.)
4. I WILL DEFINITELY get hit by a car. (The program coordinator damn near guarantees it.)

Honestly, it all just keeps me on my toes.

So anyways, after orientation I spent a rousing day walking the streets of London (and by London, I mean Kensington) and food shopping with my flatmates. It's like real world UK here, 6 girls 6 guys and a shit ton of alcohol. I went to lunch with two of the girls today, Cierra and Miriam, at a place where Miriam fell in love with the waiter (who was significantly more delicious than the meal), and Cierra ordered a Greek salad without olives or feta cheese. (So, lettuce with Greek dressing.) And then, as per the instructions of our coordinator, we people watched and took notes so that we could someday fit in here. Quietly though, of course, because as soon as we open our mouths everyone will know we're stupid Americans.

We came to the following conclusions:

1. You can tell if someone is European if they're wearing nice and/or expensive shoes, and you can tell if someone is from the UK if they have a British accent.
2. Only stupid Americans can't figure out how to tip the waiters
3. You can smoke cigarettes pretty much anywhere
4. The Aussie Man-Van provides Australian Vans but not necessarily Australian Men. Huge disappointment.

So, in conclusion, it's a rollercoaster here but I'm having a great time. I'm learning really creative slang that's mostly dirty, so that's nice, and my flatmates and I are going to a pub tonight, so good times there as well hopefully. Oh! And I had real bacon on my hamburger today.


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