Friday, September 10, 2010

The voicemail lady in my phone has an accent

I went to the depths of Bargain Shopping hell was scary place. In Oxford Circus, there's a department store called PrimeMark, that sells EVERYTHING, and I swear to you there is few shit more expensive than a pound there. We're talking clothes, home goods, shoes, bags, accessories, EVERYTHING. I spent 40 pounds, (about $60) and got a sweatshirt, two tops, nail polish, scarf, gloves, socks, hair clips, a bag, and more stuff I can't even remember right now. So why was it scary place? There were 1000 people there (no exaggeration, simply a rough that is actually probably understated), 89% of whom didn't speak English and also clearly never learned how to walk in a crowded area. So for those of you who know Genna's biggest fear, you know that there was not one but a SERIES of panic attacks that occurred from the second I walked in the door until two hours later when I left.

When I got home, I cooked dinner for myself and also fed Miriam because she's been sicky sick and I feel sad for her, and she saves me from burning chicken so I give her love. Dinner was delish, as usual, I am such a brilliant cook.

Onto more general topics of ponderment:

1. The strawberries here are tiny. I almost forgot how small strawberries are, naturally, since my mom stopped growing them in our backyard when I was much younger. When I buy them in the store in the states they're so hormone-induced that you can hardly eat more than two in one sitting...Here, they don't add unnatural stuff so the strawberries are about the size of a quarter. It's weird as shit.

2. I got ID'ed to buy alcohol today. And I had ID. Real ID. It was one of those surreal experiences.

3. The lead singer from LFO died yesterday, so my flatmates and I had a 90's music tribute in the common room. We discovered that one of my flatmates, Matt, can sign the backstreet boys song "I want it that way"...I've never laughed so hard in my life.

In other news, I am moderately enjoying my classes and am eager to greet the weekend. I'm hopefully going to a Garden Party at the Prince's estate tomorrow with my flatmates to see a fashion show for Emma Watson's new clothing line, tickets are only 10 pounds so that should be fun. On Sunday, we're all going to see fireworks on the River Thames (by Big Ben in Westminster). And tonight, the same as every other night since we arrived, more drinking.


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