Tuesday, September 7, 2010

If anyone wants to make a donation...

I'm starting to dream/think/read in my head in a British accent. It's kind of awkward. Also, when I pay for stuff in pounds I'm thinking less in terms of dollars and more in terms of holy fuck I'm gonna be broke as a NY hobo soon.

Classes started yesterday, and even though I've only had two so far I'm already wondering how I'm going to manage 4 days a week 9am-12pm sitting in a room while the city awaits outside the window. And then when I come home, I take a nap. Actually, I've avoiding napping for today, (so proud!) even as every single one of my flat mates is sleeping as I type. I'm falling asleep with my eyes open, but instead of giving in, I know I need to be productive! So I'm blogging, and watching Scrubs.

Things are going really well though, at least while I'm awake. Last night, Cierra, Miriam, Joe and I all took an adventure to see what we live near. The tube workers were on strike yesterday and today, so we could only go as far as we could walk. We covered a good mile and a half at least, and then had a really nice dinner together. Afterwards, we found this awesome pub and had way too much to drink, and ended up making friends with these three British guys (No cuties, sorry girls) who were hysterical. We sat around and traded slang and stereotypes all night. Apparently, according to British guys (who get their information from American movies), all American girls love to drink and fuck. So next time you all ask me why I haven't met anyone here...

Anyways, it's almost been a week since I arrived in London, and its coming along quite nicely. I've got 4 weeks until I see Meels in Berlin and only two until I see Alyssia when she moves in only four miles away. I love how much everyone has been keeping in touch with me, I miss you all and I'll keep the pictures coming.



  1. Why aren't you coming to Milan bitch
    Also ps change your background it's Impossible to read

  2. because it's like my first real weekend here, and it would be expensive to book last minute, plus if I only get to see one place in Italy it's going to be Florence or Rome...and I have 10 days off at the end of October so I might be going then. And FINE i'll change my background my mom said the same thing but I think maybe you're both just blind

  3. You're coming to Milan.... Accept it now and I'll buy you a heaping pound of pasta. I heard they even have lean cuisine there.....mmmmmm.

  4. fuck pasta, buy me a plane ticket
